Yoni Mudra: Meaning and benefits

What is the yoni mudra?

The Yoni Mudra is a symbolic gesture used in the practice of yoga and meditation, whose name comes from Sanskrit. “Yoni” means “womb” or “source of creation,” and “mudra” translates to “seal” or “gesture.”

This mudra has a deep symbolism related to introspection, spiritual rebirth, and connection with primordial creative energy.

gesto yoni mudra

The connection with the divine feminine energy

In Hinduism, Shakti is the divine feminine energy that gives life and manifests the entire cosmos. This creative force resides in all human beings, and practices like Yoni Mudra help us activate and harmonize it.

The term “yoni” in Sanskrit means “belly”, “womb”, or “vulva”, representing the sacred origin of all creation. This mudra is deeply associated with primordial feminine energy, specifically working with the sacral chakra, known as Swadhishthana, which is located just above the root chakra.

The sacral chakra encompasses organs such as the intestine, the uterus, the vagina, and the entire pelvic floor, areas of the body linked to our creative, emotional, and sensual energy. This energy center not only governs the ability to create, whether it be life or ideas, but also regulates our emotions and our connection to pleasure.

When practicing Yoni Mudra, the fingers are placed in a symbolic “seal,” which channels energy to the belly, helping us to heal, balance, and activate this energy source.

This powerful gesture is linked to the energy of the goddesses, especially the goddess Kali, symbol of eternal darkness and rebirth. Kali emerges from the divine womb (Hiranyagarbha) as a primordial force that destroys to make way for transformation and creation.

By practicing Yoni Mudra, we connect with this primordial feminine energy that resides within us. This gesture channels the creative and transformative power of Kali, helping us to release emotional blockages, empower ourselves, and guide our lives from a place of authenticity and connection with our divine essence.

How to Practice Yoni Mudra: Technique

To practice the Yoni Mudra, sit in a comfortable posture like Sukhasana (easy pose) or Padmasana (lotus), making sure that the back is straight and the shoulders are relaxed.

Bring the tips of the index fingers and thumbs of both hands together to form a triangle, symbolizing the womb, while intertwining the other fingers inward. Place this gesture in front of the lower abdomen, right above the area of the sacral chakra.

Close your eyes, breathe deeply and direct your attention to the pelvic area, feeling how the creative energy flows and expands. Stay in this position for 5 to 15 minutes, allowing calmness and introspection to fill your being.

You can accompany the practice with a mantra like Om or simply visualize the divine feminine energy flowing within you.

yoni mudra sentado

Benefits of Yoni Mudra

The Yoni Mudra acts directly on the sacral chakra (Swadhishthana), one of the main sources of creative and emotional energy in the body. At a physical level, this practice can improve circulation and vitality in the pelvic region, including organs such as the uterus, ovaries, and intestines.

This makes it a powerful tool for relieving muscle tension in the pelvic floor, regulating menstrual cycles, and improving reproductive health in both women and men.

It also promotes relaxation in the abdomen, which can alleviate stress-related digestive issues.

The Yoni Mudra has a profound effect on our emotions. By working with the sacral chakra, it helps to release accumulated emotional blockages, promoting a sense of peace and balance.

It is especially useful for those who wish to heal emotional wounds related to creativity, relationships, or self-esteem. The regular practice of this mudra promotes mental clarity, helping to face challenges with calmness and confidence.

It also stimulates a greater understanding of our emotions, fostering a state of inner calm and reducing stress and anxiety.

From an energetic perspective, the Yoni Mudra channels and activates the primordial feminine energy, known as Shakti. This energy is not only creative but also transformative.

By practicing this mudra, our innate creative abilities are awakened and our connections with the energy of life are strengthened. This can manifest in greater inspiration, the ability to manifest ideas and projects, and a renewed feeling of vitality.

In addition, it helps balance sexual energy, which can enhance the connection with the body and pleasure in a conscious and healthy way.

It not only connects with the physical body and emotions but also with the spiritual dimension. It is considered a practice that takes us inward, to the sacred space where our divine essence resides.

It is deeply related to the energy of the goddess Kali, who represents transformation, rebirth, and the creative power of the universe.

Practicing it opens the doors to self-knowledge, facilitating a journey of introspection, empowerment, and connection with our spirituality.

This mudra fosters a more loving and conscious relationship with our body, especially with the pelvic area, which is often affected by repressed emotions or stress.

By releasing accumulated tensions, our relationship with pleasure, creativity, and self-expression improves. This is especially valuable for artists, writers, or anyone who wishes to explore and expand their creative capacity.

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