If you have always sung “Om,” you might be surprised to know that the correct form is “Aum”.
The error occurs because, in Sanskrit, the letter “O” is formed by the sounds “A” and “U”. Over time, with its spread through different cultures and languages, this particularity has been forgotten, and now many people simply pronounce “Om” as it is written.
What is the correct pronunciation of Om?
It is simple: follow these three steps to achieve the perfect sound of “Aum”:
- Take a breath, open your mouth 70% and, while exhaling, pronounce “A”.
- Close your mouth slowly and let the sound evolve into “O-U”.
- When your lips come together completely, the sound transforms into “M”.
The result is a continuous vibration: “aaaaooUUUMMmmm…”
The Deep Meaning of Om
Om (or Aum) is much more than a simple sound; it is the primordial mantra, the sacred sound that represents the cycle of creation and connection to the universe.
Each of its parts symbolizes an essential aspect of existence and consciousness:
- Vibration: is felt below the navel.
- State of consciousness: waking (Jagrat).
- Represents: the process of creation.
- Associated deity: Brahma, the creator.
- Vibration: it is perceived in the chest cavity.
- State of consciousness: dream (Svapna).
- Represents: the process of preservation.
- Associated deity: Vishnu, the preserver.
- Vibration: felt from the throat, extending towards the skull.
- State of consciousness: deep sleep (Sushupti).
- Represents: the process of destruction, the end of a cycle.
- Associated deity: Shiva, the destroyer.
After singing Om, there is a pause of absolute silence.
Aum / Om in Hindu Scriptures
Om, also known as Aum, is mentioned for the first time in the Upanishads, the philosophical texts associated with the Vedic tradition. Among them, the Mandukya Upanishad stands out for delving into its meaning and symbolism.
In the philosophy of Vedanta, and particularly in its predominant branch, Advaita Vedanta (non-dualism), Om is not just a sound, but a portal to the understanding of ultimate reality: the unity between the creator and the creation. According to this perspective, there is no duality; everything that exists is a single reality.
Om and Advaita Vedanta
More than a religion, Advaita Vedanta is a spiritual path focused on self-knowledge as the means for liberation (mukti). Its aim is to transcend the limitations of the body and mind, achieving the understanding of the ultimate truth:
- The creation and the creator are one.
- The manifest world (Maya) is an illusion.
Om, within this framework, symbolizes the process of returning existence to its pure essence: infinite consciousness.
Om: The Path to Realization
Om represents the “return” of the manifested world to its origin. It is the bridge between Maya and ultimate truth. Those who have transcended the limitations of the physical world —that is, those who have achieved Mukti— perceive Om not only as a sound but as the primordial vibration of existence.
For this reason, Om is deeply associated with:
- The ultimate goal of human life.
- The union with the ultimate reality or the divine essence.
About other cultures
Om not only belongs to Hindu tradition; its essence is also present in other cultures, although it has undergone transformations due to time and cultural influences.
In Hinduism, Om has been preserved in its original form through the Guru–Shishya tradition, which has protected its essence for centuries.
In Buddhism, derived from Hinduism, Om is used in its written form, although it is usually pronounced in a simplified way.
At the same time, in other religious traditions, we find similar sounds:
- In Christianity and Judaism, Amen is used at the beginning or end of prayers.
- In Islam, Ameen is used for a similar purpose.
In all these cultures, these words function as spiritual tools to connect with the divine, mark solemnity, and close prayers, showing a universal bond that transcends cultural and linguistic boundaries.
Om, in its pure form, is a reminder of the unity among spiritual traditions and their shared quest for connection with the absolute.
Why is Om chanted in yoga?
Singing Om in yoga is not just a symbolic practice, but a deep means to connect body, mind, and spirit with the universe. Here I explain the main reasons:
- Aligning the body and mind: The sound of Om creates a vibration that helps to center the mind, release tension, and prepare the body for the practice of yoga. It is a way of transitioning from the outer world to a state of introspection.
- Balancing energy: Om activates the flow of prana (vital energy) in the body, aligning the chakras (energy centers). Specifically, its vibration works on the ajna chakra (the third eye), fostering intuition and mental clarity.
- Universal Vibration: Om represents the primordial sound of the universe, symbolizing the unity of all existence. By chanting it, practitioners seek to harmonize with the universal rhythm and transcend the perception of separation.
- Deepening meditation: The repetition of Om calms the mind and promotes a state of deep meditation. Its vibration helps to reduce excessive mental activity and focus attention.
- Spiritual symbolism: Om encapsulates the three states of existence (waking, dreaming, and deep sleep) and the transcendental state (Turiya). Chanting it in yoga is a way to connect with these dimensions and remember the union between the individual and the universe.
Chanting Om at the beginning or end of a yoga session is not just a ritual, but a powerful tool to prepare the body, calm the mind, and deepen the spiritual experience. It is the bridge between physical practice and inner connection.
Benefits of Om
Singing the mantra Om has profound effects on the body, mind, and spirit. Its vibration relaxes the muscles, improves breathing, and balances the nervous system, reducing stress and promoting calm.
In addition, by aligning the vital energy or prana, it stimulates the chakras, especially the Ajna (third eye), promoting mental clarity and intuition.
On the emotional and mental level, Om reduces anxiety, improves concentration, and fosters inner peace. Its calming effect helps to quiet the mind, promoting focus and restorative sleep.
On a spiritual level, it is a tool to elevate consciousness, connect with universal energy, and deepen meditation, achieving harmony and balance.
Om is not just a sound, it is a transformative experience that connects body, mind, and spirit. By integrating it into practices such as yoga or meditation, one obtains a powerful tool for holistic well-being and spiritual expansion.