The business of yoga

Perspectives for yoga teachers

The future of yoga is brilliant. Find out why

If being a yoga teacher is your dream, in this article we will analyze the reasons why it is also a wise decision from the point of view of employment and business opportunities. To begin with, we will explain why, more and more, governments and companies are promoting physical activities. Subsequently, we will project some figures for the sector nowadays, and the perspectives of development for the next 5 years. Finally, it is important to underline the reasons why yoga plays a very relevant role as a global movement, and will do so even more in the future

Physical activities and well-being

The unprecedented economic growth of the last 30 years on a global scale has had important consequences on health-related issues.

On one hand, health, in the most developed countries, has become the primary concern, even above economic issues.

But on the other hand, a sedentary and very competitive society has been created, which translates into an increase in physical illnesses – related to lack of mobility, and psychological ones – linked to stress and anxiety.

The lancet has describe the rise of physical inactivity as "pandemic"

The reasons for the lack of physical activity

Physical activity has long been a prominent component of most aspects of human life, but over recent decades, technological and engineering progress has reduced the physical labor input required to accomplish all kinds of tasks.

The activity levels are being reduced in many aspects of daily life, like work, home (housekeeping), transport, recreation, etc.

The evidence suggests that once freed from the demands of routine physical tasks, we lead increasingly sedentary lifestyles.

The consequences of lack of physical activity

The human body is designed in such a way that most of its systems (e.g. skeletal, muscle, metabolic and cardiovascular) do not develop and function optimally without frequent physical stimulation.

The health consequences of sedentary lifestyles are significant and dangerous. Even individuals with a normal weight who do not reach the recommended levels of physical activity are at a significantly increased risk of developing cancer, type II diabetes, heart disease, and suffering from premature death.

Inactivity is the fourth - leading risk factor for all global deaths

The effects of this sedentary lifestyle on the world’s 3.4 billion workers are critical. 52% are overweight / obese, and 76% report they’re struggling with their well-being.

Against this background, it can be clearly seen that physical inactivity is a serious public health challenge, deserving immediate action.

The unsustainable cost of inactivity

As chronic disease skyrockets globally, and healthcare costs spike in markets like Europe, the Global Wellness Institute predicts significant growth in spending on global workplace wellness over the next decade.

Worldwide, the cost of medically unfit  workers represents 10-15% of global economic output.

This cost is unsustainable considering that only 9% of the world population has access to wellness activities.

Therefore,  companies have had to implement policies aimed at a noticeable improvement in working conditions.

It is promoted and facilitated so that workers can dedicate time to activities related to health and well-being.

Wellness programs still reach less than one in ten workers worldwide

A study from RAND Europe determines that if those individuals who are currently active increased their physical activity levels by 20 percent, the global economy could grow by more than $360 billion every year.

These economic gains can be attributed to the reduction of premature deaths in the working-age population, improving rates of sick leave, and improved levels of workplace productivity associated with regular exercise.

In the following section we are presenting the current physical activity market value and its growth forecast for the next 5 years

The Yoga and fitness sector in figures

The “physical activity economy,” is valued at $828.2 billion globally. Within this market, 44% or $367.7 billion represent direct consumer expenditures on activity participation, the remaining representing apparel, footwear and others. 

Within this economy, Mindful movement (Mind/Body sector) -yoga being the predominant activity -will be the #1 growth sector (12 percent annually from 2018 to 2025), jumping from a $29 billion market to $64 billion. 

This expected growth of 12% is absolutely phenomenal, and it almost doubles the 6,6% projected for the physical activity economy and multiplies by 4 the expected expansion of the world economy for the same period, which is 3.3%.

The following table shows the twelve countries in terms of market participation in the total expenditure in the mind/body sector.

The role of Yoga

The reasons for  the spectacular growth in the demand for yoga services and their future prospects have a lot to do with its effectiveness.

If yoga is more than 5,000 years old and has survived to this day, it is because it helps you feel better.

There are many scientific studies that prove the physical and mental benefits of yoga.

5 main Yoga & health benefits:

  • Boost Immunity
  • Lower blood pressure
  • Prevents cardiovascular diseases or promote cardio & circulatory health
  • Relief depression symptoms
  • Increase muscle strength and tone

In addition to health benefits, yoga has the advantage of being easily integrated with corporate activity promotion programs.

These advantages for companies can be grouped in two ways:

1. Depending on how accessible the  practice is

  • Good for all ages
  • Low investment in apparel & accessories
  • Can be practiced anywhere
  • Suitable for beginners

2. Depending on the improvement in employees’ performance:

  • Increase concentration and focus.
  • Promote health awareness
  • Reduces anxiety and stress
  • Enhance respect and commitment
  • Low injure rate

In both private and corporate settings, yoga meets all the requirements to establish itself as the cornerstone of any wellness and health improvement program.


If the idea of becoming a yoga teacher is calling you, there is no doubt that this is the best moment. 

With more than 500 million people practicing yoga worldwide and growing at a 12% rate every year, the future is brilliant.

Furthermore, the opportunity for yoga is double. On one side, it can attract a new population that is not into any fitness/health activity, and on the other side, it has the possibility to convert conventional fitness users into yoga practitioners. 

Yoga has been present in the western countries for a long time, but it is just now reaping the benefits, after many years of sowing well-being.

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