Once I was imagining myself, as if I could be an invisible person, who will be able to move anywhere in the world. I was developing my fantasy for the welfare of the people and country, to remove their suffering and stress. I was imagining if I get this power, I can do my best to first remove or eradicate the corruption, I will help the people in different forms. And it was going on and on until one thought came in my mind that even if I do all these things, can I be able to remove the suffering of the people, can it be able to remove the stress factor? Even all these external problems, like corruption, poverty etc. would have been finished, still can people be completely happy? I found the answer in one word NO.
I have seen and met with many wealthy people on financial ground and found they are suffering from different reasons.
I have seen and met with middle class group on financial ground and found they are suffering from different reasons. I have seen and met with poor people on financial ground and found that they are also suffering from different reasons. These realistic experiences give me a glimpse that money or comfort cannot remove or eradicate the suffering and stress of the people. Even if a poor person starts earning money, gets all the comforts- relieve from stress and suffering will be just momentary, soon the suffering or problem will surface in his/her life in different forms, because the root of suffering and problems are somewhere else.
I feel if we want to overcome the state of suffering in a true sense then there is only one way and i.e. to experience the state of WISDOM. Suffering on the mental or emotional level in the form of stress, anxiety, restlessness are our mental conditionings. Suffering is our mental state, suffering is our ignorance and if it is this, then it has nothing much to do with external affairs, whether it is removal of corruption, earning the money, getting the comforts etc. These external aspects of our life are important and it comes under our Purushartha (effort) BUT until and unless we go inside and harmonize the internal aspect, the experience of happiness in true sense is not possible to experience in the life.
Now the question arises that how to experience the state of wisdom. Because state of wisdom is not as such which can be experienced through intellectual knowledge or mere logical thinking. The state of wisdom is also not like that as it can be experienced all of sudden. Level of wisdom takes place gradually. It has closer connection with the emotions than the intellect. It has closer connection with faith than the logic. I think faith is our foundation and if somewhere in life, we are able to get the glimpse of transcending the logic, we can experience the faith.
Still the question remains here, how to experience Wisdom?
As far as my understanding and the answer is concerned, the process of wisdom starts taking place in our life when we come under the shelter of YOGA.
Once someone asked Swami Satyananda, the founder of Bihar School of Yoga, that can a person reach spiritual realization without practicing Yoga? Swamiji gave an honest answer. He said-
"one can reach realization without yoga, but if he practices, he can reach it much sooner."
Walking is good for health, swimming is good for health, jogging is good for health and these all should be done without any doubt because these are helpful to maintain good health. But if we are talking about experiencing the wisdom then these things cannot transform a person. Yoga has the strength, if done properly, a person can be transformed and can move towards the experience of WISDOM and find the solution and a glimpse to come out from the sufferings.