Garudasana, widely known as “the eagle pose”, is an asana that combines challenge and depth, inviting both the body and mind to work in harmony.
This yoga pose not only promotes a significant improvement in physical balance, but also acts as a powerful tool for cultivating concentration and mental serenity. Its practice leads us to connect with our center, balancing strength and flexibility while finding calm in the midst of effort.
Next, we will explore its variants, adaptations for different levels of practice and the multiple benefits that this pose can bring, enriching both our experience in yoga and our daily life.

Meaning of Garudasana
Garudasana has a deep meaning that is rooted in Sanskrit, where “Garuda” translates to “eagle” and “asana” means “pose”. In Hindu mythology, Garuda is recognized as the king of the birds and the divine vehicle of the god Vishnu. This majestic being is a symbol of strength, courage, agility and protection, attributes that are also reflected in the practice of this asana.
La postura del águila busca capturar la esencia de este mítico ave, que conecta la tierra con el cielo, promoviendo una sensación de enraizamiento y elevación simultánea. Su práctica no solo desarrolla el equilibrio físico, sino que también simboliza la capacidad de enfocarse y observar con claridad, cualidades que representan al águila mientras vuela alto y mantiene su mirada fija en sus objetivos.
En un sentido más simbólico, Garudasana representa el proceso de desenredar lo físico y lo emocional. Al entrelazar brazos y piernas, se reflejan las tensiones y bloqueos que acumulamos en el cuerpo y la mente.
Al deshacer la postura, se promueve una sensación de liberación y armonía, ayudándonos a soltar cargas que no necesitamos. Practicar esta postura invita a expandir la perspectiva y encontrar calma en el movimiento, como si imitáramos la libertad y la amplitud del vuelo de un águila.
Beyond its technique, Garudasana connects us with essential qualities: balance, focus, inner strength, and the ability to overcome obstacles, all while inviting us to remain serene and centered in the midst of challenge.
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Garudasana Variants
Within the vast world of yoga, there is always room for adaptability. Garudasana, being a posture that demands balance and grounding, has various variants that suit the skills and needs of each practitioner. These adaptations allow both beginners and advanced practitioners to enjoy its benefits in an accessible and personalized way.
Garudasana with Support
For those who find it challenging to maintain balance, this variation allows you to perform the pose with your back or hips supported by a wall. This support reduces the difficulty, allowing the practitioner to focus on intertwining the arms and legs without the worry of losing stability. It’s an ideal option for those who are developing their balance.
Seated Eagle Pose
This variation is especially useful for practitioners with mobility restrictions or for those who are beginning their yoga journey. It can be performed sitting in a chair or on the floor, where the interlacing of the arms is maintained, while the legs perform a lighter cross. It is an excellent way to experience the benefits of the posture with less physical intensity.
Garudasana with Extended Arms
Instead of interlacing the arms, this variation involves extending them forward, palm to palm, creating a distinct stretch and reducing the intensity in the shoulders. It’s ideal for those seeking to relieve tension in the upper body or who have limitations in arm mobility.
Variation 1 Garudasana
Variation 1 of Garudasana is an adaptation that allows you to explore the benefits of the eagle pose with a focus on balance and stretching, but with less technical complexity. This variation is ideal for beginners or those who want to gradually work on stability and body interlacing.
These variations allow Garudasana to be accessible and adaptable, inviting each practitioner to find their own version of balance, concentration, and grounding, regardless of the level of experience or physical condition.
Benefits of Garudasana
Garudasana, known as the eagle pose, not only stands out as a demonstration of balance and skill, but also offers a variety of benefits that transcend the physical, connecting with the mental and emotional plane.
In the physical realm, this posture contributes significantly to the improvement of balance and coordination, as its practice demands stability on one leg, strengthening body control.
In addition, the characteristic intertwining of the arms allows for a deep stretching of the upper body, relieving accumulated tension in the shoulders, upper back and neck.
Garudasana also requires considerable effort from the leg muscles, resulting in a notable strengthening of the thighs, calves, and ankles, improving their endurance and toning.
On a mental and emotional level, this pose promotes increased concentration and focus, as maintaining balance requires mindfulness, which helps to calm the mind and improve mental clarity.
In addition, the practice of Garudasana promotes the release of accumulated tension, especially in areas prone to stress, such as the shoulders, hips and back. From an energetic perspective, this posture also stimulates the Ajna Chakra (third eye), considered a center of perception and intuition in yoga, helping to enhance these qualities.
Garudasana is much more than a balancing posture; it’s a powerful tool for strengthening the body, clearing the mind, and harmonizing the emotions.
Garudasana is an invitation to explore our physical and emotional potential. By mimicking the strength and majesty of the eagle, we not only cultivate balance and strength, but also introspection and personal growth, taking those qualities off the mat and into our daily lives. For other asanas that work on balance and strength, visit our guide to Chaturanga Dandasana.